The Next Dimension of Leadership Coaching

IQ and EQ can take you to the top. But can they keep you there?

“My knowledge, experience, and sharp people skills have always helped me excel. But why aren’t they helping me now?”

“I’m so good at managing people. Why can’t I manage myself?”

Even the most seasoned leaders get these nagging questions, especially when faced with a massive challenge that shakes their confidence and self-belief.

And this inner conflict is not new.

Eons ago, Arjuna, too, felt the same on the Kurukshetra battlefield. Despite being one of the greatest, most experienced warriors, Arjuna was overcome with a flux of doubts and emotions when he came face-to-face with the Kaurava army.

What turned Arjuna’s story around?

Clarity of purpose.

IQ  can enhance performance.

EQ  can improve people skills.

But without knowing your Purpose, the ‘Why-you-do-everything-you-do,’ IQ and EQ can prove ineffective, especially during a crisis.

A well-shaped Spiritual Quotient (SQ) clarifies Purpose.

That’s why it’s imperative that leaders & coaches today embrace the third dimension of leadership coaching – the Spiritual Quotient.

In this edition of Coach Guru, we bring clarity on why SQ completes a leader and the invaluable role of coaching in enhancing SQ.

Do ponder over your Purpose as you pore through these pages. Wishing you a Purpose-full day, year & life ahead!


For leaders, potential without purpose is ineffective. Coaching can create impactful leadership by addressing the gap between Potential and Purpose. Find out how from our article “How Coaching Fills Gaps in Leadership,” which was featured in the Times of India.

How Coaching Fills the Gaps in Leadership:

Subash discusses the vital role of coaching for holistic leadership in this featured article.

Embracing Spiritual Quotient (SQ)- the Next Dimension of Leadership:

Why should leaders & organizations consider embracing SQ?

A two-pronged approach of IQ-driven performance and EQ-driven people skills has been the saving grace of businesses till now. But today, in the VUCA++ world, a poignant question arises. Is this enough?

Read here how SQ can prepare leaders and organizations to counter the challenges of today’s world.

Regal Coach’s Corner

Transformational Coaching Conversations

‘Tram’ Venkataraman, leadership coach & mentor’s coaching stories of the power of masterful coaching conversations.

Common Myths About Coaching

Coaching is highly misunderstood in the industry. In this blog, Subramani Balakrishnan busts seven common misconceptions about coaching. Find out what they are here.


ICF Bengaluru hosted three of our Mentors of COACHING UNLIMITED for an interactive session on “The Needs of a Practicing Coach – Re-visiting the Core Competencies & Business of Coaching”

The session received the highest registration and participation— a magical session with multiple nuggets of wisdom for coaches.

Delighted to be hosting the first-of-its-kind ‘Coach-Centric’ Intensive, as a Coach, you would not like to miss ????


15 Passionate Learners began their Coaching Journey with us in Bengaluru. These learners were from diverse backgrounds, industries and geographies!

From a Banker, HR professional, Entrepreneur, Athlete, Yoga Instructor to Tech Leaders… all were part of this exceptional cohort!

The next cohort starts in Mumbai (Scroll below for details)

Laugh and Learn


“The body is a self-healing organism. So it’s really about clearing things out of the way so the body can heal itself” – Barbara Brennan

Somehow, healing has a lot of stigmas attached to it. We are in the pursuit to make ‘healing’ mainstream. Below is one such experience from one of our clients!

Podcasts and Views

What is spirituality in coaching, and how can it help us as coaches and leaders? Listen to Subash’s insightful take in this episode of All About Coaching.

The Jonathan…

An outcast, adventurous, rebellious bird who broke out of the herd to dive for greater things…

View a Master Story Teller at work – Sidharth Satpathy – Must watch for every Leader, coach & Professional

Upcoming Events

Here are the upcoming ICF ACC & PCC batches

Write to to know more

ICF – ACC (in-person) Batch

The upcoming ICF-ACC (Face-to-Face) batch starts on May 12th, 2023. The classroom sessions are being conducted residentially in Mumbai. The sessions will be conducted for 3 consecutive days a month, in May and July.

ICF-PCC (Phygital) Batch

The next PCC batch starts on a Saturday, June 10th, 2023. It is a hybrid batch with a mix of Online and Face-to-face sessions. Online sessions would be conducted on alternate Saturdays.

ICF ACC (Online) Batch

The next ICF-ACC (online) batch starts on June 17th, 2023.  A weekend batch with subsequent sessions scheduled every 1st and 3rd Saturday