Museart on “Be Your Own Boss”


Topics covered in the webinar

  • Identifying a saleable expertise
  • The right time to transition from employee to entrepreneur
  • Challenges of becoming an entrepreneur
  • Do’s and Don’ts when conducting business
  • Three objectives of the book 
  • Question and Anwser Sessions

Publish Date: 15/12/2021


Brief Summary of the Webinar

Why be someone else’s employee when you can be your own boss? Sounds like your dream? Then this episode of Museart is for you and every other aspiring entrepreneur out there!

Our guest speaker, C. Venugopal, presents his latest book,  Bring Your Own Booze (BYOB), which translates to  ‘Be Your Own Boss.’

C Venugopal is a highly successful corporate leader who took the path less trodden and set up a business consulting firm in Chennai 18 years ago. Needless to say, his business is booming!

BYOB is an amalgamation of the experiences and learnings of C. Venugopal and his peers on their entrepreneurial journey. It explains the art of building and establishing a successful business. BYOB is the perfect guidebook/handbook for those who wish to transition from employee to entrepreneur. In this Museart edition, Venugopal gives you a sneak peek into his motivational, aspirational book.  He also reveals priceless tips and precious pearls of founder wisdom, all delectable titbits from BYOB. You can check out his website Regal Unlimited is a premier leadership coaching institute in India. We coach leaders, mentor coaches, and heal all.

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