Leaders as


Empowering leaders to foster team success through coaching

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Leader As Coach


We are pioneers in creating dynamic coaching leaders for organizations that want to embed a leadership coaching culture into their systems. We have trained more than 1000 leaders. Listen to a leader who benefitted from our Leader As Coach program spell out why more leaders should take up this program.

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Who is

Leader As Coach Program for?

  • CXOs, COOs & CEOs
  • Corporate leaders across all functions and levels.
  • HR Leaders
  • Leaders of small businesses
  • Team and Project leaders
  • Middle-level managers stepping up to be leaders

Book a free

Discovery Call

Discovery Call

Are you looking for a program tailor-made for your organization? Let’s get on a call to discuss your specific requirements.

Why become

Leader as Coach?

For Leaders

Navigate change with vision

Foster innovation and creativity

Lead millennial and Gen-Z teams

Create an Agile culture

Nurture upcoming leaders

For Organizations

Improved employee productivity

Increased revenue growth

Stay relevant

Higher employee engagement

Happy workplaces

Our Leader As Coach Program is

Perfect For Your Organization

If You Want Leaders Who Can

Communicate Effectively

Enhance Business Performance

Manage Intra-team Dynamics

Foster Creativity in Others

Inspire and Motivate Teams

Develop Team Members

Think Out-of-the-box

Increase Team Productivity

Our Clients

Download Our e-book

Here is what

People Are Saying

“Feeling blessed to have been a part of this empowering journey. Thanks, Subhash. This entire process has been a coach to me in itself. It has, in a way, given me a great insight about myself, life, people…. from here, I need to find out how best I can use it and make it a part of my being. Can’t say how good a coach I would be, though I am a more thoughtful person now for sure. As Subhash mentioned- Now is the beginning! Best wishes.”

- Geetika

“Thanks for being my mentor. While I originally signed up because this was a formality to be completed, I realised the true value of being mentored by you, right from our very first session. Also, while I had already been through much of the content during my ACSTH program, your approach was very different and the opportunity to discuss the concepts as they showed up (or not) in my own experience, with a senior coach was invaluable. Working with fellow participants who were new to coaching was also a great experience. Some of their questions provided perspectives that I would not likely explore on my own. Also made the value of bringing a beginner’s mind to everything clear- though obviously it is something that I need to develop in myself.”

– Narayan Kamath, ACC

Overview of

Leader as Coach Program

Our Leader As Coach program is a carefully curated, unique leadership training module structured keeping in mind the needs of current and future corporate leaders.The Leader As Coach program is a vibrant partnership between the coach and the leader. Transformation happens when leaders take ownership of learning and put coaching concepts into practice in between and after sessions. 


60 day (minimum) training program based on ICF and EMCC coaching competencies.

We conduct dedicated programs to train leadership at all levels.

Customized content & delivery to suit the diverse needs of organizations and leaders.

Both online and offline training are available. The location for live training decided in discussion with the client organization.

Training by Subash CV (MCC), a leading Leadership & Executive Coach, Founder, and Managing Partner of Regal Unlimited.

10 hours of concepts, theory, processes, and skills plus 10 hours of mentored coaching practice with a Regal Coach.

We cover topics such as Level 5 Leadership, Emotional Quotient for Leaders, and Vulnerability & Authenticity for Leaders to Lead Organizations.

We uphold the spirit of adult learning with relevant, real world assignments that enrich your learning experience.

A session of our flagship and critically acclaimed Regal @60 tool helps you align your life with your personal and professional goals.

1 hour of personal mentoring after 30 days of the course to address roadblocks.

Are you ready to

move into the future?

Sign up for our Leaders As Coaches Program to unlock your leadership coaching potential and train your leaders to COACH teams & peers to exceed expectations at excel

A Quick Glance

at Workshop

+91 63615 79338


B7, Sai Colony, Kadugodi, Whitefield, Bangalore, Karnataka 560067

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