Executive Coaching

An Executive Coaching program designed to help Senior Leaders & Executives in leadership positions excel.

Executive Coaching brings about a measurable difference in the potential and performance of the coachee as she or he aligns with a coach.

Every Executive Deserves a Coach

Executive coaching is a life-transforming experience that can catapult executives years ahead of their time, both professionally and personally. This video reveals how.

You have the potential! We can help unleash it through Executive Coaching

Our Regal Clients

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Practicing C-suite leaders
Transitioning Executives

Successors to Family-Owned Businesses

Founders & Entrepreneurs

Leaders stepping into Executive Roles

How can Executive Coaching Help You?

Enhance executive presence
Develop the confident, commanding, charismatic aura to go with your role. Learn how to motivate, influence and inspire others with your presence.
First 100 days
Chart your first 100 days meaningfully to make your first impression the best impression. Decipher and decide new team dynamics. Skillfully nurture professional relationships.
Steer change management
Up your strategizing skills for effective change management. Excel at handling disruptions. Adapt successfully to evolving situations, both personal and professional.
Career & Role Transitions
Transition to new or challenging roles seamlessly. Shift careers with effortless ease. Plan smartly for life after retirement.
10X your Business Metrics
Identify, prioritize, communicate & execute business goals effectively. Discover your corporate vision. Create strategic business plans for your organization.
Personal Crisis management
Come out of your shell or overcome mid-life crisis. Bounce back more powerfully from setbacks, both personal and professional.
Work-life integration
Do equal justice to both career and personal life. Harmonize your life by integrating work and relationships in holistic measure.
Handle toxic culture
Manage toxic culture by creating a culture of trust to build healthy work relationships. Ensure psychological safety through empathetic listening and communication.

Do you naturally radiate the executive persona?

Do you command the boardroom with ease?

Do you tackle challenges with aplomb?

Do you communicate flawlessly?

Do you excel effortlessly in all roles as a leader, professional, parent and spouse?

Taking Leadership to the Next Level
Coaching with Regal is a transformational, life-altering experience Listen to the CFO of Nando’s talk about why he is extremely grateful to his Regal coach.
Let’s address your Executive Needs

Executive Coaching at Regal Unlimited

Organizations benefited

Senior Executives and Leaders coached

Experienced Executive Coaches

Coaching Hours

Regal Executive Coaching Solutions 

Manage Toxic bosses
The client, a top performer in a global MNC had a toxic boss. ‘Toxic boss for high performer’ seems to be more of a norm than than an exception. The client and his executive coach set goals to tackle this issue  and worked towards them, with great success.
First 100 days
She was a high performer heading a branch with P& L responsibilities. She made some errors in the financing, which snowballed into a crisis.The shame and guilt lingered on for years. Finally, an executive coach helped her overcome these emotions, set fresh goals, and move toward her full potential. She said, “I wish I had a coach in my first year as a leader!
Career and role transitions
He had spent two decades as a scientist. Now he wanted to do something different. He decided to become a corporate leader in three years, but wasn’t sure how to go about it. Executive coaching helped materialize his dream. Within a year, he was on a new trajectory, moving towards his new career goals, and aligned with his purpose.
Succession planning
A Fortune 100 company CEO suddenly decided to take early retirement. The Sales Head, one of three possible successors, was not ready. The company hired us to prepare him for the CEO chair. Coaching enabled him to  identify his limiting areas and work on them. A year on, the company chose him as the successor over the other two. 
Enhance executive presence
She was heading a vertical at a young age in a US company for their India operations. The company wanted her to move to the US in an executive role. But she was not ready or confident. The company hired a Regal executive coach to help sharpen her leadership quotient. The confident executive finally took up the role with enthusiasm.
Career coaching
The CXO  was overlooked for promotion. Devastated, he went into a shell. The company hired us Regal Unlimited to help him get his mojo back. Over 12 months of engagement, the executive worked on himself. He developed new habits he felt were necessary for a successful personal and professional life, and finally got his mojo back.
Stakeholder Influencing
He is an Indian Ivy Leaguer on the fast track, working with an Asian brand in Paris, and reporting to a German boss. His wife is Latin American.  He takes out time to pursue his passion for sustainability. How does he manage diverse roles and activities, what he calls multiple stakeholders in career and life, with such ease?  Executive coaching, of course! 
Start up business challenges
The seasoned CEO took on a new role as a start-up founder. He soon realized that being an entrepreneur was a whole different ball game.  He hired an executive coach to discuss challenges, and clarify goals and strategies. Needless to say, he was able to nail his new role with ease.

Why choose executive coaching with Regal Unlimited?

Holistic focus

We believe that who we are as a person impacts what we do as a professional. That is why we concentrate on personal well-being just as much as professional well-being, if not more. Our executive coaching program is in demand  because we look at the leader holistically and cater to both the professional and the personal domain. In fact, in most cases, we have had the satisfaction of witnessing personal growth leading to professional excellence.

Transformational Journey

Executive coaching with Regal Unlimited is a magical, transformational journey of self-discovery and self-empowerment. Our clients testify to the fact that the RoI from our executive coaching program is over and beyond what they expect or imagine, the RoI of Enchantment. Our secret? We not only look at achieving stated goals, but go beyond by also focusing on the inner/personal transformation that happens in the process. This leads to holistic goal attainment, wherein the client functions at full potential. A client literally manifests magic in this state of being, something we refer to as  #ManifestMagic


Brilliant Coaches

Regal Unlimited has a 300+ strong coach base. Our executive coaches have the rare combination of experience and credibility, both as leaders and as coaches. Most of them are seasoned executives with decades of corporate experience. Add to that ICF credentialing and years of coaching, and what do you get? Exceptional executive coaches who actually know where the shoe pinches for you, apart from knowing what can be done about it! What more could you ask for?


Schedule a Call with a Regal Executive Coach

You get more than just an Executive Coach…

With Regal executive coaches, you get much more than what you ask for! Our executive coaches can play multiple roles to enable you to achieve your goals and more. They can be your
➤ Accountability partner
➤ Thinking partner
➤ Challenger
➤ Philosopher
➤ Sounding board
➤ Cheerleader
➤ Mirror
➤ Confidant
➤ Non-judgemental Friend
➤ Safe space

Executive Coach Corner

Subash CV – Executive Coach

Subash CV is a Master Certified Coach (ICF), a certified mentor coach (MCCP), certified healer and founder of Regal Unlimited.
After over 25 years in the corporate world, with stints in leadership and executive roles, Subash found passion and purpose in professional coaching. Subash has an impressive clientele list that shews his acumen as an executive coach. Accenture, TCS, Times Group, Tata Motors, Himalaya Wellness, St. Gobain, Interphase, Armstrong, National Commercial Bank, Al Rajhi Bank, are but a few.

To know more about Subash, visit his website subashcv.com

Jayashankar Jayaraman
(Startup Mentor, Independent Director)

Subash CV has been my mentor coach for many months and has had a profound impact on my being. He has a very Zen-approach to life and conversations with him have led me to greater self-awareness and contentment. If you are looking for an executive or life coach, Subash CV is your go-to person.”

Typical profile of a Regal Executive Coach

Trained with Regal Unlimited

ICF Credentialed or on their journey to ICF Credentialing

Leaders who are managing/ have managed global teams

Have complementary qualifications - scaling businesses, spiritual leadership, healing etc.

Executives who are heading/have headed organizations

Professionals with diverse industrial experience

Coached global clients and executives with global presence

The Regal Coaching Model

Our coaching process is centred around the  Regal Coaching Model. This unique, time-tested model uses psychometric tools as well as specialised coaching tools such as visualization, perceptual positioning, Regal@60, ‘Great to GOOD’ © and emotional intelligence.

The Process

1. Goal setting: In executive coaching, we look at the client holistically. Therefore the coach and client start out by fixing professional and personal goals the client wants to achieve. 
2. Deep exploration – Next, the executive coach and the client together explore beliefs, habits and value systems that impact client behaviour in relation to the goals set.
3. Awareness – The client develops self-awareness through the process of deep exploration. This shift gives the client clarity on what course of action to take.
4. Action – The client acts upon the new-found awareness about themselves. The Regal Model believes that true transformation happens between sessions, when the client puts into action what they have planned in order to achieve their goal. 
Thus, the Regal Model of executive coaching is a dynamic, action-oriented  process that leads to personal transformation (intangible, magical), which then manifests as goal-specific results (tangible, fulfilling). A Regal executive coach is always available for the client through out the period of engagement, and even after.
Let’s address your Executive Needs
Need More Info on Program
For more details on our Executive and Leadership Coaching program, please download the brochure
Executive leadership coaching bengaluru

Executive Coaching Blogs

Six Key Elements in Executive Coaching for Successful Future

Consider an executive who is recently promoted to a leadership position. Her career progression has been from being a brilliant technical expert to an effective project manager to a program manager, mentoring several project

What Is Executive Coaching and the Benefits Associated….

Introductory Case study: A middle-level executive working with a global brand, had a difficult boss, and a difficult relationship. At some stage, he decided to find a certified executive coach for himself. In their first meeting,

Top Organisational Benefits of Leadership Coaching

We were asked – What is the best investment organisations can make to ensure their future? Our answer was – to invest in leadership coaching for all levels of leadership. And we are backed by credible research.