All About Professional Coaching


Topics covered in the webinar

  • What is not Coaching
  • What is Coaching
  • True definition of Coaching
  • Why ICF accreditation important
  • Why Regal Unlimited for your Coaching journey?
  • Question and answer session

Publish Date: 04/01/2022


Brief Summary of the Webinar

The seminar hosted by Regal Unlimited takes you through the entire gamut of coaching the ICF way. The webinar discusses at length what Coaching is all about and the basic difference between coaching, mentoring and counselling. The webinar also throws light on what it entails to become a professional coach and how Regal Unlimited will help you in your journey of becoming a successful coach.

In this webinar Subash (MCC- ICF, Founder Regal Unlimited) and Kapila Ganesh discuss what professional coaching is all about and also explain the finer differences between Coaching, Mentoring and Counselling. Subash also talks about the need for a professional coach for one to maximize their inner potential. He also emphasizes on how it is a therapeutic process and is based on equal partnership unlike mentoring or counselling. It is a journey from point A to point B and beyond. The entire journey of coaching  (or being coached) is creative and thought provoking and quite an enriching process Subash says.

What is Coaching?

  • If coaching is not Mentoring, counselling or Training, then what is it?
  • It is where the pace, the outcome and the path are designed by the client.
  • Here the coach and the client are on a level playing field. Both are partners to the eventual outcome
  • Inspires the client to take action.
  • The entire process of coaching is outcome driven.
  • The client is involved at every step of the journey and therefore it is a construct Vs Instruct methodology.

Subash also says that to become a professional coach one needs to require rigorous training, have experience, have the necessary certifications from respectful and trusted bodies( here ICF) and experience. Besides, Coaching is a true calling and is linked to purpose in one’s life Subash says, without which one cannot be a successful Coach.

Why ICF?

  • ICF is the most respected body in Coaching and Coach Training , the world over.
  • It is  a robust certification programme based on ethics.
  • It is a well-researched framework and best practices.
  • Has the largest community of professional Coaches.
  • An ICF certification maximizes one’s earning potential.  

After throwing light on what is Coaching and why one should be an ICF accredited Coach, Subash also talkS why one needs to choose Regal Unlimited as their partner in their Coaching journey.

Why Regal Unlimited?

  • Because it is ICF approved
  • All the coach trainers are ICF certified
  • Personalized mentoring solutions.
  • Hand Holding through the entire journey.
  • Regal Unlimited is committed to your success.
  • The webinar (link provided at the top) will provide more details and answers any questions you might have on Coaching.

A premium leadership development company specialising in coaching, coach training, and mentoring. Our global reach and impact complement our proud Indian heritage.

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